Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Diary of a day shooting 2

The second day shooting was very successful, we managed to get lots of clips and got relevant footage as we learnt from our first day and improved on our camera work. As the weather was bad we were unable to shoot outside so we decided to do the shots we planned that were situated inside. Pearce and I were the only ones able to shoot on the second day because Jack and Ryan had work but this was no problem as we didn't need to use them for the footage we got. We got the first pieces of footage from in My bedroom which showed an average life of  a teenager which fits in perfectly with the mise-en-scene. During the shooting of Pearce in the bed, we used the dolly track horizontally across the bed to make a creative shot tracking from right to left.

We then done shots in the shed, close ups of his face and also a slow motion shot of Pearce kicking a rubbish bag which relates to the lyrics in the song we are using. Overall it was a successful day although we did not get a large amount of footage we got decent and relevant clips which worked out very well in editing.

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