The Shed- The shed was a good place to film, as it had a white backdrop and also had lights to create an effect similar to a studio. This allowed us to get good professional looking shots. Also it was easy to be organised as the computer we are editing on is in there too, so as soon as we got the footage, we could transfer it to the computer.
Field- The field was a good location as it was unusual to be seen in a hip hop music video. It created a different feel within the footage because it is the total opposite to what you would expect. It was also a very large area so we could use alot of the location for any particular shot. Also this helped improve the shots as the background was distant and would influence the camera lens's. This also created our own unique style different to any other hip-hop music video.
Archway- The archway beneath the railway was a good location to film as it would shadow the scene and no light would get into the lens and block the image, so we had a larger range of colours to play with and to change intensity. The background also had alot of graffiti and weathering on it and it looked very vintage and created an urban scenery which looked professional in the shots. It fitted the artist and the style of music.
Railway track- On the railway we found that it was a brilliant location to get footage as it would be unexpected and dangerous. It also fitted in very well with the style of music as Hip-Hop is a very urban and reckless scene and being on a railway track creates a reckless and dangerous feel to the scene. It was easy to get some interesting shots on the track as the track is in a pattern and certain lens's can create different effects.
Bedroom- The bedroom is a good place to film as it will relate to a teenagers general life as they spend most of their life in bed. It related to the main character being lazy, but at the same time being very physical and energetic. Being in bed and the way the camera is angles shows that Pearce is the main character in the scene and centres him. It also shows the mise-en-scene of a normal teenager and shows what they would typically have in their bedroom and environment.
Graffiti Wall- This wall fits in with the urban and individual theme that we are trying to get across. The wall stands out in the background of the video and it makes Pearce look like he has done the graffiti which is the image we are trying to portray of being rebelious. We also liked the wall because it was out of the way of the rest of the park so we thought and hoped that no one else would then use it. It also fits in with the stereotypical genre.
Bench- It symbolises an urban theme and supplys a setting for conversation between the three characters. It also has a good back drop and is a good scene to look at.
Skate Park- This also fits in with the urban style that we are trying to get across to the audience. This loaction fits in with the props and costume that we have used throughout. It is also stereotypical to the Hip-Hop style of music and would be familar to the target audience. The skate park was empty which helped us as we were able to concentrate on the filming without being distracted, but also this did not give us the atmosphere in the skate park that we would have hoped for.
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