Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Maximising Our Potential Audience

To maximise our potential audience there are a plenty of improvements needed to be done on our target audience compared to our previous year. For our music video we tried to gain our target audience through just our knowledge of the song and the use of a questionnaire. At first our target audience was of people in their late teens, however for our first questionnaire we believe that we didn't ask the required amount of people to get a closest estimate of our target audience age. Therefore, we chose to ask almost double the amount of people and we got a precise estimate of ages 16-19 years. Another way we chose our target audience was through the use of the 'Abraham Maslow Hierarchy' chart, just to gain the suitable information of which society that would prefer our music video.

For our media thriller last year, to boost our potential audience we used the social networking website; Facebook. As each of us together had over a thousand friends we felt that if we put our thriller onto Facebook then we would be able to get the viewers feedback: what we could do to improve, if the music synced in time to the camera shots used etc. However, the only downfall with having audience feedback through using Facebook is that it has a limited amount of aged reviews. For example most of our friends we have on Facebook are roughly aged between 15-18, so it wouldn't find the feedback from a person of an older age. This year we have decided to use Facebook and Youtube for our audience feedback as we feel Facebook can give us relevant feedback from our target audience. The reason we have chosen to use Youtube as another website to broadcast our music video worldwide, so that anybody is able to view it and give their personal feedback. The advantage of this compared to Facebook is that there are no limits on the age group that can give their feedback thus giving us a more accurate age of our target audience. Also, James has previously made videos and uploaded them to Youtube. Some of these videos have had over a thousand views in less the a month of being uploaded, so this indicates that more people will look at our video as they have liked his previous videos.

One other way of maximising our potential audience is the use of hammocking. Hammocking is something that institutions use for new songs to boost the views, which could potentially lead to the sales of the new song. Hammocking is when an institution ask if they can have their recent song featuring in between two songs that are popular at that period of time. The effectiveness of hammocking is that if a popular song is on the channel then the viewers are more likely to stay and watch that channel's next song as they take an interest into the previous song. We decided if we had to try gain potential audience, then the main technique we would use would be hammocking would be a brilliant way into getting the required viewers to gain success. Now that our music video is complete we have decided that our target audience age range is still the same as first expected.

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