Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Initial Storyboard

When we were planning our music video in this storyboard, we were specific about what types of camera shots and angles we would use. We use a lot of extreme close ups in order to get the brand across that we are portraying. The image we are portraying needs to match that of the stereotypical Hip-Hop genre which is lots of money and ‘cool clothing’. As we do not have the money to show off a flash lifestyle, we will get as many close ups of ‘cool clothing’ as we possibly can.
We also have a use of both high and low angled shots which are both used for different affects. The low angles are used to show the power that the artist has and the artist would be looking down into the camera whilst wrapping. This is almost to act as though, the artist is singing down directly to the audience. High angles give a contrast to this and act in the same way as long shots do. Both these styles of camera work show the artist in a different light which is that he is a small person in what is a massive world.

The lighting is also important and we want to have a mixture of bright lights and dark with an added mix of bright colours and black and white shots. This is so that our video will apply to a wider variety of people and go with and against the stereotypical Hip-Hop video. This shows that we have shown individuality but have also kept to the basic Hip-Hop guide lines.

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